Is your puppy confident?

We’ve had some wonderfully confident pups in class recently.

Confident pups cope well with the inevitable problems life will throw up. And it’s important (and pretty easy) to teach your puppy to be resilient.

How? It’s all about giving your pup great experiences. Things they can hear, see, do and explore in a safe environment with you helping and encouraging them all the time and learning that you are the best fun ever. 

That’s why we’ve started our Puppy Socialisation Practice mini course. You’ll get two fun sessions where your puppy can: 

  • experience different people and dogs, 
  • interact with lots of different objects, 
  • discover what different surfaces fell like to walk on, 
  • hear various bangs, crashes and other noises and learn they can safely ignore them
  • play with all sorts of different toys and games.

Our Puppy Socialisation Practice will give your puppy the ideal start on their Perfect Pet journey. We’ll talk about those annoying puppy habits – biting and chewing and what to do about them, as well as how to housetrain your puppy quickly and easily. You can ask us about anything else you want, too.
And you’ll get a free  copy of my latest book, “Help! How to Socialise your Puppy During Lockdown” which tells you all about the things you need to teach your pup and how to do it simply and easily from your own home.

Check our puppy page for the date of the next classes here at Kircubbin in our safe arena. Puppies are welcome once they’ve had their first vaccination and before 16 weeks.

And please tell anyone else you know that has a new puppy. 

Keep training and stay safe,


Doggy Doctor Discussions - Design: OneBlackToe by Tubbi + Tippi.