Get it right from the start with your new puppy!

Have you just bought a new puppy?

Or do you know someone who has?

Puppies are like blank sheets of paper. The experiences they have, everything they see, hear, smell and taste, puts writing on the page.

From the moment you bring that cute bundle of fluff home, they are learning and writing their inner journal. What they enjoyed, what they didn’t, who is a good person to be around, and who isn’t and so on.

They need to learn that people of all different ages, sizes and types are fun to be with, that all sorts of noises aren’t scary, that different surfaces are interesting to walk on, that other dogs come in all sorts of sizes and shapes but that it’s much more fun to play with their owner than with other dogs.

Biting, chewing, peeing and pooing are all normal puppy activities, but puppies need to learn the rules for where and when they’re appropriate.

Helping your puppy to experience and learn the right things is vital. 

Because puppies learn all the time. 

Your job is to make sure they learn what you want and need them to.

That’s why we’ve started our Puppy Socialisation Practice mini course, two fun sessions where your puppy can experience different people, things, surfaces, noises and play so you can give them the ideal start on their Perfect Pet journey. You can ask us about those annoying puppy habits and what to do about them too!
And you’ll get a free copy of my latest book, “Help! How to Socialise your Puppy During Lockdown” which tells you all about the things you need to teach your pup and how to do it simply and easily from your own home.

Our next session is Tuesday 24th November at 2.30pm here at Kircubbin in our safe arena. Puppies are welcome once they’ve had their first vaccination.

And please tell anyone else you know that has a new puppy – they’ll thank you! 

Make sure the journal your puppy writes each day tells the story you want. Preventing potential problems is so much easier than dealing with them later on.

Keep training and stay safe,


Doggy Doctor Discussions - Design: OneBlackToe by Tubbi + Tippi.