Why early socialisation for your puppy is so important

Most people understand how important it is to socialise puppies.

But not as many know that the crucial time is before the puppy is 16 weeks old. It is important to carry socialisation on for the first year, but the more you can do in those early weeks the better. It’s a vital time.

Puppies that have a wide range and number of experiences early in life are generally much better able to cope with the inevitable frustrations of life they’ll meet later on. 

Good socialisation helps shy puppies gain confidence quickly, teaches potential bullies how to curb their instincts and interact nicely, helps sensitive puppies learn to cope with noise and movement and gives all puppies the range of experience they need with people, other dogs, noises, places, surfaces, and objects.

Good breeders will have done a lot to start the process and we help you carry it on with our Puppy Socialisation Practice mini-course.
The course comprises two fun sessions where your puppy can: 

  • experience different people and dogs, 
  • interact with lots of different objects, 
  • discover what different surfaces fell like to walk on, 
  • hear various bangs, crashes and other noises and learn they can safely ignore them
  • play with all sorts of different toys and games.

 This course will give your puppy the ideal start. We’ll talk about those annoying puppy habits – biting and chewing and what to do about them, as well as how to housetrain your puppy quickly and easily and how to teach your puppy to cope with being alone.  You can ask us about anything you’re struggling with, too.
And you’ll get a free  copy of my latest book, “Help! How to Socialise your Puppy During Lockdown” which tells you all about the things you need to teach your pup and how to do it simply and easily from your own home.

Puppies are welcome once they’ve had their first vaccination.

Please tell anyone and everyone you know that has a new puppy. 

Getting it right from the start is the best (and easiest) way to go!

Keep training and stay safe,


Doggy Doctor Discussions - Design: OneBlackToe by Tubbi + Tippi.