Want to know the secret of dog training?

Owning a dog should be a joy. And to achieve that, you need to understand the secret of training your dog easily, quickly, and successfully. The secret is: a great relationship – between you and your dog and between your dog and you.

Four differ dog walks = same story

I saw four different dogs and owners on my journey yesterday.

The first was pulling their owner along, panting and gasping at the end of the lead.

The next was running back and fro from side to side, sniffing the ground as their owner chatted on the phone.

The third one was following their owner looking miserable – the owner was striding along on a mission, with the dog looking longingly at the lampposts, pillars and grassy areas they were passing.

The fourth one was trying to pull back as their owner tried to walk on, wanting to get to another dog behind a fence they were passing.

None looked as though they were enjoying their walk and none seemed bothered about the person at the end of the lead. 

Which I find sad. Owning a dog should be a joy.

And to achieve that, you need to understand the secret of training your dog easily, quickly, and successfully.

What’s the secret to training your dog?

The secret is: a great relationship. Between you and your dog and between your dog and you. 

A great relationship makes training easy.

Your dog loves to be near you? Recall is easy

Your dog looks to you for fun and games? They’ll want to stay close and focus on what you are doing

Your dog loves watching you, never sure when you’ll break out into a great game? They’ll walk besides you on a loose lead. 

The better your relationship is, the easier training is

And the more your dog will want to do as you ask.

That’s why we place so much emphasis on the relationship building games we include as part of our Perfect Pet course. Because they underpin everything you want to teach your dog to do.

How do you build a great relationship? By spending time doing fun things together, things you both want to do. For Gus and I it’s scent and sniff games with some ball play and hide and seek. 

What does your dog love to do? What are their favourite games?

If you want some ideas of fun games, download the free Mind Stimulation games from the free stuff page.

Off you go and play with your dog! Build that relationship.

Keep training and stay safe,


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