Why your dog may not like being petted

This week’s Talking Tip is all about petting.

Of course you pet your dog – it’s one of the best things about having a dog, the cuddles. 

But does your dog love it as much as you? 

Dogs will tell you they don’t really like certain touches by turning or moving away, ducking down, moving backwards or away from your touch or nudging your hand, as Gus shows. We talk about how nearly all dogs hate being patted on the head (watch Gus’s ears as I demonstrate that!)

I dislike my head being touched and I particularly hate my hair being ruffled. My uncle always greeted me by ruffling my hair – and I hated it and tried to avoid him whenever he visited. He thought he was being affectionate towards me – I don’t think he ever realised I hated it and I didn’t know how to tell him I didn’t like it.

So watch your dog next time you give them a fuss and make sure they enjoy what you’re doing. When giving your dog a fuss, try rubbing the chest or down side of the head and on their body, not on top of the head.

Check where your dog likes being touched. 

You can find today’s Talking Tip here along with all the others from previous weeks.

Finally, please do write in and ask if you have a question you’d love us to answer. I want to make sure these Talking Tips are useful to you.

Keep training and keep safe,


Doggy Doctor Discussions - Design: OneBlackToe by Tubbi + Tippi.