Why the wind upset Gus

“Oh for heaven’s sake, Gus, that’s the sixth time in the last ten minutes. Will you STOP trying to go in and out the door?”

Poor Gus. He’s been very unsettled recently. The howling banshee gusts, constant waves of whispering and intermittent shrieks of wind mean he just can’t settle. Sitting here in my writing garret (luckily in front of the fire rather than freezing), the kitchen fan is rattling away, there are low groans and howls from the roof, crackling and rushing noises from the garden and odd intermittent bumps and bangs.

For a dog with ears as big as Gus’s are, noises are a problem. 

Today has been difficult. Gus jumped on one chair, then two minutes later moved to another chair briefly, then went to stand at the window, had a short bark, then opened the kitchen door and went out to another room, only to turn round and come back in again a very short time later…

Every time he opened the kitchen door I had to get up and close it – otherwise there are horrid cold draughts round my toes. Gus just couldn’t decide where he wanted to be – no sooner had I closed the door than he opened it again. He went in and out, repetitively, time after time so I got up and down time after time. It was frustrating, hence my outburst.

I realised I needed to help him cope better – getting cross wouldn’t help anyone. 

So, I kept him busy with food in his snuffle mat, filled Kongs and his lickimat. Eventually he settled down on the settee and finally dozed off.

I had 18 minutes of peace before Himself came barging in and disturbed both of us. Himself announced that he was going out to by some petrol, though why I needed to know that I’m not sure. Himself banged about getting shoes coat, care keys and eventually going out the back door. Gus shot back along to my study so he could bark at Himself going out in the car. Sigh.

Oh – that’s Gus at the door again – I’ve got to go. The in and out, up and down cycle is restarting.

Now where did I put that Kong…

Keep training,


Doggy Doctor Discussions - Design: OneBlackToe by Tubbi + Tippi.