Why we’re not offering a Black Friday deal

Like you, I’ve been drowning in a torrent of emails this week, all offering great Black Friday Deals – or even Black Friday all week deals, though I’m not sure how that fits… The ones from firms who sell things I don’t need and have never thought of are binned immediately. Emails offering something I might want are kept to think about.

It’s easy to be seduced by a pretty picture and big words hurled into your face indicating huge savings if only you’d buy this widget NOW. There may well be true bargains to be had, but a lot of the vaunted “bargains” end up as being nothing of the sort. They’re just a way to boost retailer profits.

They aren’t daft though – I’m starting to get into the Christmas Spirit (Himself isn’t of course) and I’m thinking of what gifts to buy my friends and family. Retailers are using our readiness to buy to persuade us to part with our hard earned cash by enticing us with attractive bargains.

Here at Down Dog we believe our services are worth the cost—and our clients do too. We won’t cheapen or belittle them by offering them at a reduced price. Which is why we’ve never offered a Black Friday (or any other day) cut price deals. 

All details of our next courses, and booking, is via the website here.

Keep training,


Doggy Doctor Discussions - Design: OneBlackToe by Tubbi + Tippi.