Why dogs are never “just playing”

Walking along Ballywalter beach recently, Gus and I were minding our own business, when we spotted a bouncy Labrador bounding towards us. “Please call your dog,” I shouted to the other owner. In reply I heard those immortal words, “It’s OK, he just wants to play.”

We’ll draw a veil over my response…

Dogs very rarely “just play”. Dog play is not as simple as that. Dog play is mainly based on practising the many arts of the doggy predatory sequence. Play may be consensual, but it all too often creates arousal in both dogs. And arousal leads to escalating problems – and fights.

Remember the golden rules when out with your dog:

– Never assume anyone else’s dog want to meet you or your dog.
– My dog may not like his personal space invaded.
– He may not want to interact with your dog, or with you, or your children.
– Always ask. You do not have the right to interact with my dog, and my dog has the right to say no.

Keep training,


Doggy Doctor Discussions - Design: OneBlackToe by Tubbi + Tippi.