March challenge 6

To spend some time today just watching your dog and find FIVE things you really like about him or her

Having a new hip has made me want to reassess my life. 

I want to make sure I’ve planned all my Down Dog stuff as well and as efficiently as possible, AND make time to do other things I’ve neglected over the past year, such as playing my instruments, making cards, writing my next book and enjoying Gus. 

Because I’m a Queen of Procrastination. For example, take these emails – I try to get into a habit of writing them regularly at the same times each week. But when I sit down to write them, I don’t always know what to write about. So then I get distracted by just about anything – the latest offers from Amazon, Facebook (insidious time waster, that one), checking WhatsApp, my bulging inbox – anything at all.

So as part of my self-styled “new hip, new me” campaign, I’m using a daily journal/planner to help me get back control of my crazy busy life and get some balance back. 

One of the things it encourages me to do every morning and night is to think of at least one thing I’m grateful for.  

It’s so easy to focus on what you haven’t done, or what is bugging you, or the next deadline. So it’s important to stop and “smell the roses” as it were. 

Just stop to think about what you HAVE done, what was and is good about the day. The fact that you’re alive, and breathing. That you have a warm and secure house. The beauty of the mist hugging the fields this morning, or the bird singing its heart out as it soared overhead. The wonderful Gareth and Catherine carrying on running the business so well while I’m hors de combat.

It’s the same when we think about our dogs. 

It’s too easy to focus on the annoying things they do – Gus barking at cars driving away, or barking madly at planes and con-trails. 

But much, much more of the time he’s a great dog – snoozing quietly near me while I write these emails, being very careful around me while I’m using crutches, eager to play chase and tug when I want to but not pestering me when I’m busy, the fact he helps me put the dirty washing in the machine and fetches things I need. It’s a long list of good stuff which far outweighs the annoying things.

So today’s challenge is just to watch your dog today and write down FIVE (more if you want!) things you love about her. Things that make you glad he’s your dog. Things that make you laugh. 

Be thankful. Be grateful.


Doggy Doctor Discussions - Design: OneBlackToe by Tubbi + Tippi.