Why does my dog…need to be socialised?
Your puppy needs to have contact with other dogs, but this interaction needs to be carefully managed to make sure your puppy develops confidence and good manners with other dogs
For when you have a new dog – whether they’re a puppy or a rehomed older dog – you’ll need lots of skills and knowledge to help train and socialise them
Your puppy needs to have contact with other dogs, but this interaction needs to be carefully managed to make sure your puppy develops confidence and good manners with other dogs
My friend I met at the park told me about Carol, the Doggy Doctor. His mammy is going to Carol’s Perfect Pet classes and she says Carol knows wat she’s tawking about.
Getting it right and avoiding mistakes with your new puppy is also hard. That’s why I wrote Pesky Puppy to Perfect Pet – to give you a blue print to follow.
Training your dog is really important. If you get things right from the very start you can prevent the angst and frustration you might otherwise struggle with
It’s all too easy not to bother doing much training when your puppy first comes, then to leave things as the puppy grows – until it becomes a problem.