Grooming your poodles and doodles

In our newest online doggy advice video, we chat about how to groom your poodle or doodle – what to do with tangles and how to avoid your scruffy pooch being shaved by a groomer

In our newest online doggy advice video, we chat about how to groom your poodle or doodle – what to do with tangles and how to avoid your scruffy pooch being shaved by a groomer

It’s all about tangles and brushes

This week’s Down Dog Digestible is all about grooming poodles and doodles of all types.

It is difficult (and time-consuming) to take care of doodle and poo mix dog coats. They get tangled even more easily than my hair at the moment, which is saying something! 

Catherine explains how the tangles start and where and, vitally, how to avoid your doodle or poo having to be shaved by a groomer. She tells you the best brush to buy and how to go about looking after your dog’s coat – every day, right from the very start of getting your puppy.

How to get your dog used to being handled

Prevention is better than cure for this problem! Join our next Perfect Pet course if you need help with teaching your dog to accept handling and grooming – as well as much, much more!

You can find today’s Digestible here along with all the others from previous weeks.

Please do write in and ask if you have a question you’d love us to answer. I want to make sure these Digestibles answer any doggy queries you have.


Keep safe,


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