We’ve still got two weeks to go in our partial lock-down, Wales is one week into its firebreaker, Scotland has more areas going into higher tier restrictions and England is going back into a stricter lockdown this week.
Coronavirus isn’t going away anytime soon and we’re all having to learn to live with it. It’s tiring, upsetting and depressing and many people are struggling, especially for those people who have lost their jobs or are worried about losing their job or their business.
We’re all in this together and it’s important we keep looking for ways to help ourselves and each other and do what we can. This year more than ever before I’m trying to buy gifts from local retailers and small businesses, and I need to phone my friends more often – though I didn’t manage that this week.
It was my dad’s 90th birthday yesterday. We had planned a big family celebration, but obviously that didn’t happen. We did manage an online meet-up though and it was lovely to see everyone, if only on-screen. We had lots of laughs and felt better for it.
We are lucky that here at Down Dog we can continue our dog training classes and 1-2-1s, albeit only outside. Several of our clients have commented that they welcome the opportunity to get out with their dog and meet other people each week as their only chance to come to anything organised at the moment.
We’re here for you and your dog to help in any way we can. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you.
Keep training and stay safe,