How to “fix” your dog’s behaviour

When your beloved pup or faithful hound is misbehaving (again!) do you ever wish you could send them away to be magically ‘fixed’, where they come back fully trained and obedient?

What annoys you about your dog’s behaviour?

Do you think they’re being stubborn?
Or plain naughty? 
Do you just want them to stop doing the whatever-it-is that’s annoying the heck out of you?
Do you want a quick fix?

Well, tough. Sorry, but there are no quick fixes.

There are certainly fairly quick ways to get your dog to do what you want and we can help teach you how to train them. As long as you put in the practice.

Is there a quick fix for your dog’s behaviour?

But people don’t always have or want to take the time to train their own dogs. They look for a quick fix. Which is why I get asked fairly regularly if we will take dogs for training.

We don’t. Not because we couldn’t – it would be easy to do. But the idea that you can hand off your dog to someone else to “fix” is pie in the sky.

It’s unrealistic.

You and your dog are one entity, a joint relationship. What you do affects them, and what they do affects you. Your dog responds to your actions and your emotions.

So trying to get someone else to solve your problems, without reference to this vital partnership, is doomed to failure.

Should you send your dog away  for residential training?

There are also several ethical reasons why you don’t want to “send the dog away for training”. Principally, how will you know what’s really going on? Will the trainer use nasty, painful or scary techniques to force your dog to behave? Are they really training your dog or just hiding the problem? 

Our focus is to help you to help your dog. We do this through group classes and individual sessions – something to suit everyone. And we refuse to use aversive methods.

Browse our website to find the help you want and need to fix the problems you’re having with your dog.

Keep training and stay safe,


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