Have you got an annoying adolescent?

When your beloved pup reaches adolescence it can be a rude awakening for you as a dog owner. A new doggy personality emerges and it’s often challenging. We’re talking about adolescence at our next FREE Doggy Doctor Discusses on Wednesday 12th January

How’s your puppy behaving?

Has your pup morphed from being a sweet, cuddly, enthusiastic baby into an obnoxious, rude, rowdy, stubborn, mouthy adolescent?

It happens – to dogs and to children. (I’ve got THAT T-shirt)

Adolescence is the stage between sexual maturity and social maturity.

It involves brain re-wiring and the huge neurochemical changes that occur will be seen in your adolescent dog’s behaviour. They might show an almost obsessive interest in scent, particularly that of other dogs, and they’ll continually look for new things and experiences to try – which usually translates into them running off and pestering other dogs and people.

Most of all, their attention shifts from you as the key point of their universe to – well, just about anything else.

Perhaps you try to re-train and reinforce the basics – but your dog won’t even look at you and won’t listen to any of your cues.

Things that they used to do happily when you asked become almost impossible – they look at you as if they have never heard that cue before, then do the opposite. 

Teenage dogs are hard work!

It’s a tough stage to work through.

It often starts earlier than you think it will. And this stage can last a looooong time and feel endless when you’re in the middle of it.

It’s tough.

Which is why I’ll be talking all about adolescence at the next Doggy Doctor Discusses session, next Wednesday at 12 noon.
Here’s the link: 
Meeting ID: 984 1973 7391
Passcode: 624721

These sessions are completely free to anyone who wants to join me. From this month they have moved to their new slot of lunchtime (12 – 1pm) on the second Wednesday of each month.

If you can join me live you can ask me anything about any problems you’re facing. 

But don’t worry if you can’t make it – you can send in any questions you have by email and I’ll answer them in the session, then you can watch the replay which will be available on our online site soon afterwards.

Hope to see you there!

And if you or if you know anyone who needs help with their Annoying Adolescent dog (I can’t do much to help with human adolescents except sympathise, sorry), why not recommend our next Perfect Pet course either next Tuesday 11th at 7pm or Saturday 15th at 9.30am at our new base near Carrowdore?

Keep training and stay safe,


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