Why having a reactive dog is draining

Do you have a dog who reacts to other dogs or people when out and about? Perhaps it all started after a bad incident, or perhaps your dog came to you with these behaviours.

Does your heart sink when you dog reacts badly to other dogs or people when you’re out and about? It’s tough. But we’re here to help with our free online Doggy Discussions

Do you have a dog who reacts to other dogs or people when out and about? Perhaps it all started after a bad incident, or perhaps your dog came to you with these behaviours.
Having a dog that is ’reactive’ is draining, mentally and emotionally.

Do you have to adjust your walks because of your dog?
You have to learn when the quiet times are to walk. 
You welcome rain as it means walks are less busy.
You go to ‘on lead only’ places to walk. But you can’t relax. Not everyone keeps to the rules.
You move out of people’s way without them realising – into the trees, behind bushes, round corners.
You’re on alert for the whole walk, aiming always to keep a good distance from others.
Your stomach churns when there are dogs running around and you stand in the middle of the park trying to guess who is going to throw a ball and where.
You can tell instantly which dog your dog would be ok with getting a bit closer, and also which dog your dog would not be ok with getting closer – and you feel that heart sink moment when those dogs are let off lead and start to approach.
You are sick of asking others to recall their dog, while gearing yourself up for the all too common abuse.
You dread interactions with other dogs owners – being told you shouldn’t be walking your dog if he doesn’t like other dogs, or that your dog is dangerous and shouldn’t be out.
You get told it’s your fault for having your dog on a lead.
You cry in the car on the way home on way too many days.
It’s tough and it’s not what you envisaged
That’s why I’ll be chatting about dogs who react to other dogs in my next Doggy Doctor Discusses live session. It’s totally free and open to everyone, so please come and join me there.
Hope to see you there – and please tell all your friends!
Keep training and stay safe,

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