Why does my dog pull on lead?

Are you struggling to walk your dog? Do they pull like a steam train and you’re really not enjoying your time together? Find out here why they pull and what you can do about it. We can provide help through our Wonderful Walkies masterclass

Are you struggling to walk your dog? Do they pull like a steam train and you’re really not enjoying your time together? Find out here why they pull and what you can do about it. We can provide help through our Wonderful Walkies masterclass

Dogs who pull make life miserable. Walks with your pooch become trials. Instead of the fun, joint outing they should be, you end up dreading each jaunt and even resenting having to take your dog out.

So why do dogs pull?

Perhaps dragging you along behind them gets them to the park quicker, or lets them reach that enticing smell over there, or allows them to jump all over the friend you meet or helps them get to meet the interesting looking dog approaching. And if pulling works, they’ll learn to pull more and more.  

Nearly all dogs, even the tiniest Chihuahua, can walk faster than most humans. And your dog naturally wants to get to fun places as quickly as possible. So they pull. 

They pull because it works for them. 

What have you tried to stop your dog from pulling?

Perhaps you’ve tried lots of different things in a vain attempt to stop your dog pulling. 

You’ve tried leaning back and letting them pull you along, hoping they’ll tire of the behaviour.

You’ve tried to hold them near you by wrapping the lead several times around your wrist. 

You’ve tried to bribe them back with a treat. 

You’ve tried pulling them back to your side.

You’ve tried an extending lead, and an elasticated lead.

You’ve tried using a short lead held with a death grip.  

You’ve tried headcollars and harnesses galore.

Whatever you try, your irritation increases, and your dog’s pulling seems to worsen. And you’re stuck in a vicious cycle of pulling this way and that, both of you getting increasingly frustrated. 

We’re here to help you and your dog

Walks are unpleasant. You end up looking for excuses not to take your dog out for a walk, or only going to places where you can let them off lead, which is becoming more difficult by the day.

You need help.

And we can provide that help. It’s why we created our Wonderful Walkies masterclass, two sessions of group training that teach you how to train your dog to walk nicely on lead. 

Come and learn how to enjoy walks once more. 

Keep training and stay safe,


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