How food can hinder training your dog

Training dogs with food

In our latest Talking Tip video, we chat about how food can make training more difficult if it is used too much or too often

This week’s Talking Tip is all about food – again. But that’s because it is so important.

We talk about how food can be a barrier in your training – yes, really, it can! We chat about the two common exercises where food can make training more difficult if food is used too much or too often and talk about some more advanced exercises where food can make training almost impossible!

One of the hardest things in training can be working out when and how to use food in a smart way in training. We talk about this in all our classes – ask us if you need more help!

You can find today’s Talking Tip here along with all the others from previous weeks.

My new book will help you with the science of dog training

My new book, Doggy Doctor Surgery Secrets, is nearly ready to go!  This book is about the lessons I learned from my work as a doctor and how they’ve helped me work successfully in a completely different sphere – dog training and behaviour. 

Medicine is both a science and an art. So is dog training. The science is all about learning what is normal and what is abnormal, and developing skills in understanding the causes of problems and learning what treatments will be most effective in that particular individual.

My new book is being launched!

Join me at the FREE online launch event at 7pm on Thursday 28th January where I’ll be telling you about the dogs that changed my life and how medicine helped me with training dogs, as well as giving you the low down on some hair raising cases I’ve met. 

You’ll get the chance to win a free copy, find out more about the book and I’ll have a special offer for attendees…

You can also pre-order a Kindle copy on Amazon here  where the paperback version is available for a short time at an amazing 60% off!



PS Please do write in and ask if you have a question you’d love us to answer. I want to make sure these Talking Tips are useful to you.

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Doggy Doctor Discussions - Design: OneBlackToe by Tubbi + Tippi.