Why dogs put on the brakes

Off I set on my usual morning walk yesterday. Gus was eager to go and trotted happily down the drive. We had the usual slight tussle near the top of the lane, where he wants to check the hole in the hedge where our neighbours dog often lurks. Gus pulled towards the hedge, I tried to walk on – I need to keep my pace up so my watch registers my activity – and there was an unseemly battle of wills before Gus gave in and walked on with me.

We walked along Glastry Road with no problems and turned into the Ballyhemlin Road. Taking a deep breath, I set off purposefully, striding up the small hill/mountain – I give myself ten minutes from our door to the top and I needed to keep the pace up. I’m currently on a ‘longest move streak’ on my watch activity monitor so I can’t break it – even when Himself sniggers about me being a slave to technology.

Halfway up the hill my arm was nearly pulled out of my socket. Gus had well and truly put his brakes on and increased his close-to-the-ground lever advantage by flattening himself against the tarmac. Despite much cajoling, reassurance and, yes, I admit it, bribery, he was going nowhere. 

After a few minutes I had to admit defeat and we marched back home. The cause of the refusal was the swooshing noise coming from the garage of the house we were about to pass – I think they have a fitness machine in the garage and that was what was making the odd noise – along with some booming bass music. 

Regular readers will know that Gus hates loud noises. Although this wasn’t particularly loud, it was very unusual and we hadn’t heard it before on that road. Yet another noise to work with Gus about.  

Odd noises are just one thing your dog might react to. Barking at things going past your home, or barking or lunging at other dogs or people when you’re out and about, or hating going near the car are common problems too. 

Oh, and just to let you know – at least I still kept my move streak going by marching on the spot during The Apprentice: Best bits….

Keep safe and keep training


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