Tugging builds your bond

Following on from last week’s Tip about different toys and finding out what your dog likes best, this week’s Talking Tip is all about how to play our favourite game – tug.

When we talk about tug I think some people picture a tug-of-war with all the effort, grunting and strain that goes into that, but tug isn’t necessarily like that. Your job is just to provide the resistance for your dog to tug against, as we show you in the video.

One problem you might sometimes have is that your dog doesn’t want to stop or let go, so we show you how to do that. You can add a cue for that, too. Just remember most of the time to give the toy back to continue the game!

Oh, and Gus is determined to foil our attempts to do any professional looking filming by sticking his bottom in the camera…sorry.

You can find today’s Talking Tip here along with all the others from previous weeks.


Have a good weekend,

Keep training and keep safe,


Doggy Doctor Discussions - Design: OneBlackToe by Tubbi + Tippi.