Why your timing is important

Our Talking Tip no. 10 is all about timing.  This week we’ve been encouraging you to ask your dogs to do stuff when you are doing something different, like turning your back or standing on your head. 

Teaching your dog to do something in one place in one way isn’t enough. You need to practice all the behaviours you’ve taught your dog in different circumstances and different ways, to make sure your dog really understands what you’re asking.

It’s far too easy to teach your dog inadvertent cues – by that I mean your dog watches for some sign rather than necessarily listens to the word you’ve using. You may have hear someone say “he only comes when I hold a treat up”, or “she’ll sit but only in the kitchen”

I once had a client who insisted her dog knew all the cues we’d been teaching in class, even though her dog wouldn’t do what she asked when she was there. When I went round to her house, we went into the kitchen, she got her pot of yummy treats from the fridge and indeed her dog did everything she asked. 

But when we went into the hall, only 6 feet away, her dog couldn’t do it. 

The dog had learned to do things only in the kitchen, because the overall cue was her getting the treats out of the fridge.

Other inadvertent cues include things like starting to reach into a treat bag or pocket before the dog has done the behaviour, always standing or sitting in the same place in the same way when asking your dog to do something, , moving your body in a particular way, or only ever doing training when you’re at home.

So whenever you train your dog to do something, make sure you train it in at least 4-5 different places (around your home and garden, out on walks), and 4-5 different ways (e,g, dog at your side, dog in front, dog turned away, you turned away, you in a different position)

It’s a good idea to get someone to watch you when you’re training your dog and ask them to watch for you making any inadvertent movements, if you can.

And make sure you only reach for the treat once your dog has completed the behaviour you asked for!

You can find today’s Talking Tip here along with all the others from previous weeks.


Keep training and keep safe,


Doggy Doctor Discussions - Design: OneBlackToe by Tubbi + Tippi.