Why does my dog lick so much?

Himself was sitting glued to the TV, as usual, when Gus wandered up, sniffed his hand then started licking furiously at his thumb. “Geerroff,” yelled Himself, “Disgusting dog. Stop licking me.” Gus just gave him A Look and carried on for a while before wandering off. Perhaps there were some food particles on Himself’s hands – Gareth’s dog, Tippi, will lick furiously at my jeans where I’ve rubbed a buttery finger.

Apart from to get food crumbs, why do dogs lick? There are many reasons.

– Your dog may enjoy licking you. Some dogs lick much more than others. Some dogs just love the salty taste of skin, or perhaps they just like the taste of the soap or body wash you use
– Your dog will often lick you more when you return home, because licking picks up scent molecules that tell the dog where you’ve been and who you’ve been with. Perhaps it’s a good thing dogs can’t talk…
– Gus always has a good sniff and sometimes a lick at me when I’ve been out with clients or friends. Daughter no. 1 coined this behaviour with the descriptive phrase “the scent of betrayal”
– Your dog may lick objects as a form of exploration. Your dog’s tongue contains lots of sensory cells which helps him find out about what things are and what they’re made of. If they find they like the sensation, they may continue to lick that particular object – similar to a child who finds it soothing to suck a blanket corner
– Licking unusual things such as walls or floors, or if your dog is licking her lips frequently, can be a sign of nausea or gastrointestinal upset
– He might also lick because he’s hungry, or bored, or just wants some fuss and attention
– Stress can be a cause of licking. Licking is calming to dogs – just as thumb sucking can be to humans
– Excessive licking may be due to allergy. Allergic dogs may lick obsessively between their toes, enough to stain the fur, or they may lick or chew at their inner thighs or hind legs. Allergies to flea bites can cause similar signs.

As for what to do if you think your dog is licking too much? First get your dog checked by your vet to make sure there isn’t a medical cause. Then buy my Problem Pooch to Perfect Pet book which has a while chapter on licking and what to do about it. It’s available from the website or from Amazon.

Keep training,


Doggy Doctor Discussions - Design: OneBlackToe by Tubbi + Tippi.