Why Himself got rather wet and why I was pleased

Daughter no 2 and I were sitting in our yard enjoying my fountain trickling away in a brief sunny interlude yesterday, when the fountain started making odd gurgling noises and the gentle cascade of water dropped to just a trickle.

We thought we had cunningly fixed it a few days ago, as described in a previous blog. Sadly, we hadn’t found a permanent solution. 

Himself strode up. “There’s not enough water in it” he proclaimed. I begged to differ, but of course Himself had to check. It wasn’t enough just to put his finger in the basin as I had done. No, Himself had to remove all the stones and open up the cover to check. 

Only to find that there was indeed sufficient water in it.  Daughter no 2 and I rolled our eyes at each other.

Himself then proceeded to take the pump and tubes apart. He declared that it was leaking though a small hole in the pump main tube out of which the light cable ran. 

So then there was a palaver while he fetched sealant and squirted some around the hole. Daughter no 2 and I watched, saying nothing that would incriminate us later.

We then had to wait 24 hours for the sealant to dry or set or whatever sealant has to do. The next day, Himself went out and put everything back together.

It still didn’t work.

So Himself ended up lying with his arm up under the fountain, pushing the light and water tube up inside the hole. Amid much cursing and muttering he then had to wedge them in place with small stones. Unfortunately for him the fountain had to be on while he was doing it, so he could see the result. 

Himself got very wet indeed.
But at least the fountain now works properly again.

Sometimes solving a problem needs a bit more work than you initially anticipated. The quick fix that you try initially only works for a while, then the problem comes back.

Many dog behaviours are like that. Changing something may appear to fix the problem, but the behaviour often recurs.

If you’re struggling with your dog’s behaviour, book a Doggy Doctor House Visit or online Consultation Call via our website.

You’ll get help to find a permanent solution, not just a quick fix.

Don’t keep on struggling or accepting second best.


PS You won’t struggle with any solution on your own. We provide as much ongoing support as you want, whenever you need

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