How can I help you?

I popped into a local well-known supermarket a day or so ago for a particular item. A pack of biscuits, if you must know.

I had an idea where to find it so off I toddled to where it had been previously, only to find a vast array of rice and pasta. Clearly the store was trying to make me eat more healthily, but I needed those biscuits. 

I wandered up and down a couple of aisles feeling increasingly lost. Nothing was where it had been before and the signs weren’t helpful as they obviously hadn’t been changed when the store had its makeover.

Eventually I found an employee stacking some shelves. As I approached with “Excuse me”, she looked up, smiled and asked “What do you want?” I explained apologetically, but she reassured me that “everyone’s getting lost today” as they’d only just changed the store round that weekend.

She even took me (almost by the hand) to show me where my required item was nestling, in full view just two aisles away from where I’d been searching. I thanked her profusely.

It’s so much easier to ask for help than to struggle on trying and failing. I’m sure you recognise the scenario above – it’s happened to most of us.

So I’d like to help you. I can help in person if you want – just ask. But perhaps you’ve just been wondering about something your dog does, or you want to train him to do something but you don’t know how.

Please do tell me how I can help you.

What do you want to know about how to train your dog?
What things bug you most about your dog’s behaviour?
What puzzles you about what your dog does? 
Do you want to know why your dog does certain things?
What do you want your dog to do in future that he’s not doing now?

I’ll read each and every reply and I’ll answer your queries in future emails.

Just ask me.

Keep training,


PS If you need personal help changing your dog’s behaviour, just ask me what you want by requesting a Doggy Doctor House Visit or Consultation Call 

Doggy Doctor Discussions - Design: OneBlackToe by Tubbi + Tippi.