All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

It’s so difficult to fit everything into life.
I’m always rushing to complete the next thing and panicking that there is no time to do stuff.
Emails to write, my next book to finish, making that card for my friend’s birthday, walking and training Gus, the hoovering…
Life is full to bursting, it feels. 

Himself has just come in to tell me he’s off to the dump. I’m afraid I rather snapped at him for interrupting my flow (Himself should know better of course). But it takes me a while to pick up my train of thought again, which makes things take even longer.

I’m sure you struggle to do everything you want to as well.

Trying to fit everything in is so difficult. 
And spending time playing and training with your pup is one of the things that can fall down (or even off) your to do list.

The most important part of raising a great family pet is the relationship you have with your puppy.
And you can build that through something that’s fun for both of you – play. 

There’s always ways to fit in a short play session – while the kettle boils, between TV programmes, while you’re waiting for your better half to get ready to go out, as you wait for that phone call or delivery to arrive – it doesn’t have to be more than a couple of minutes.

Lots of short play sessions each day add up to quite a lot.

And I’ll let you into a secret.

The more you play with your puppy the better you’ll feel about life – then all the other things you need to do won’t feel so daunting.

A break is as good as a rest, they say. So, take a break from your chores and play with your dog. You’ll come back refreshed.

You’ve heard about the five biggest pitfalls now.
If you’ve missed any, they’ll all be on our Facebook page too. 

And of you come to the even you’ll learn lots more.

Keep training!


Doggy Doctor Discussions - Design: OneBlackToe by Tubbi + Tippi.