Pees and poos

A friend of mine posted on Facebook that there would be no pictures of her dog that day because he’d rolled in human poo.

She didn’t say where or how this happened, but it really had the “eeeeugh” factor. (I’ve imagined an increasingly unlikely set of scenarios about how the human poo arrived in a place where dogs could roll in it…)
I’m glad there wasn’t a picture though.

It’s not considered polite to talk in society about pee and poo. 
But they are normal daily functions for all mammals, including humans and dogs.

And when you’ve got a new puppy your focus needs to be 100% on when and where your puppy pees and poos. It’ll naturally form a large part of your puppy conversations too.

There’s a lot of myths and folktales around how to house train your puppy. These include:
– the use of a rolled up newspaper,
– use of a crate or other confinement,
– how to clean up accidents, and
– using puppy pads.

None of these are truly effective ways to house train your puppy.

House training is the second big puppy pitfall.
It’s so easy to get it wrong. 

It’s also so easy to get it right if you know what you’re doing.

Read my book Pesky Puppy to Perfect Pet to find out more.

Keep (house)training!


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