Are you too exciting?

Does your dog turn into a whirling dervish when you pick up the lead?

Does she drag you to the door, then push her nose against it, just waiting for the opportunity to tow you outside?

Frankly, my dear, she doesn’t give a damn. (Actually, I do what know your name is but I’m going with a film theme today)

But it’s one good reason why your dog pulls like a steam train on lead.

She’s just got so excited by the whole business of going out for a walk that she’s got herself all het up – and then she simply can’t stop pulling.

If you’re struggling with your irresistible force taking you for a walk, you need our Simply Stop Pulling online course. The course will take you step by step(!) to teach your dog to walk nicely on lead.

If your dog gets hyper, you need to help your pooch to control herself better and be calmer – a Princess Grace instead of a Judy Greer. Here’s your third tip:

Tip 3: Calm Down

Take your time to put the lead on. When you pick up the lead and your dog spins, jumps and circles, just look away, fold your arms and wait it out. 

Once she’s calmed down, has all four paws on the floor or even chooses to sit, praise her gently and attach the lead. Of course, if you bend down and she goes mad again, repeat your patience-of-a-saint act.

Take your time going out of the door, too. Don’t even bother trying to open the door if she’s scrabbling furiously at it or jumping up. Wait it out. Patience is a virtue. You need her to be calmer before you both try to go out.

Then you’ll at least have a chance that she will walk nicely instead of acting like a sled dog. (Sled dogs can walk nicely, too, of course. I’ve nothing against those gorgeous breeds.) 

Toning down that excitement will help your dog to be calmer and give you a better chance of a decent walk instead of a drag race.

So take your time.
Be patient, grasshopper. 
It needn’t take any more of your time either. Stick to your planned walk time and if it takes you 10 minutes to get out of the door, then the walk itself can be ten minutes shorter.

Keep calm and walk on


Doggy Doctor Discussions - Design: OneBlackToe by Tubbi + Tippi.