March challenge 9

To go somewhere different for a walk

Are you in a rut?
Do you find you do the same things over and over again, in the same way, at the same time?

Himself got quite frustrated this week. Regular readers will know Himself is a creature of habit, eating meals at specified times, irrespective of any feelings of hunger, always having an after-lunch doze, and so on. He likes to have his days planned carefully, almost to the minute.

While I’ve been recuperating from my hip replacement, Himself has been forced to do more than usual. One day recently he had planned to mow the lawns after his afternoon nap, but a delivery of bird food arrived. I was incapable of dealing with it, because it involved lifting quite heavy bags which is difficult enough when you have two working hips. So Himself had to do it. 

It became a labour of Hercules. First the boxes had to be brought round to the back of our house amid much muttering. Then a knife had to be found to open said boxes. But Himself’s rather heavy handed attack caused a slit to one of the seed bags, so there was a seed spillage situation which was the trigger for much huffing, puffing and swearing and caused even more time to pass before everything was under control and put away safely.

Suffice to say, the 10 minute task had turned into at least half an hour, so Himself blamed the delivery for the fact he couldn’t do what he had planned that afternoon. I had to bite my lip very hard indeed not to point out that his prolonged nap was the real cause of the problem. 

It’s good to do something different sometimes. A change is as good as a rest as they say – though Himself might not agree.

But your dog would. 

So today’s challenge is to go somewhere different for a walk. Even going a different route, or going the opposite way round your circular walk is a change.

Try it. Your dog will thank you.

Keep training!


Doggy Doctor Discussions - Design: OneBlackToe by Tubbi + Tippi.