What’s good about your dog?

Can you list three good things about your dog?

Gus makes me laugh, he tries hard to do things for me, like help fetch the washing, and he listens brilliantly when I need to let off steam about something, I’m sad about something, or I’m excited about something. (Himself does some of these too, but Gus is the better listener.)

Gus has his bad points as well of course. He barks at people leaving through our front window if we’re not physically present with him, he gets over-excited too easily and he chases planes (don’t ask).

I was musing recently on how we label people and dogs and how this affects our view of them.

We’re all programmed to focus on bad stuff and this is often reflected in how we describe both people and dogs.

Have you ever talked about “that angry woman”, or “that difficult man”?  Do you tell yourself to “walk on eggshells around X because he/she has such a short fuse”?

Do you label your dog as “a reactive dog”, “pulls like a train” or “never comes back”? These are quite commonly how dogs are described to me.

But I can’t remember the last time someone told me about “my cuddle bunny”, or tells me “she makes me laugh”.

And it’s spooky just how often labels change our view about things, including our dogs.

If you focus on your dog’s faults – typical human foible -that colours how you view him or her. You see your dog as “bad” or “untrainable” or even “dangerous”. It’s too easy to forget about the good stuff.

Part of my job is to point out the good things I see with any dog and help you recognise that. It’s what we focus on in our classes too.

I’d love you to do this task today have a good think about your dog and list all the things you love about him or her.

It’ll help put any problems you’re having with him/her in perspective and our classes will help you with any niggling issues you’re having. 

We’ll help you focus on the good stuff.

Keep training


Doggy Doctor Discussions - Design: OneBlackToe by Tubbi + Tippi.